General Inquiry or Personal Referral

Information for non-medical providers looking for information about care options for themselves or a family member.

The best way to inquire or make a referral for medical care is to CALL 816.276.2700. There is always someone available to take your call.

Options for you and your family at every stage of serious illness

Whether you’re ready to begin service or you’re just not sure how we might help you, or if you’re just thinking about options for the future, please feel free to ask about all of our programs and services.

Many questions can be answered by phone, but we’re always happy to come visit you. One of our staff will visit with your family at their home, nursing home, hospital or any place that is convenient for your family to gather. We can assess medical needs, fully explain our programs and services, answer any questions and help with the decision process.

We’re pleased to assist you in setting up a no-obligation informational visit and to assist you with the referral process.

There are options for every age, from infant to adult, and at every stage of serious illness, including people who are still receiving curative treatment or are not ready for hospice.

If you are looking for grief support services, please call 816.363.2600. This form goes to the medical team, so using it for grief support will delay your request.

Request an Informational Visit

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