Circle of Lights Donation

Support others in their grief

Our Vision: Each person in our community is valued from life through death and each family is supported in their grief.

Kansas City Hospice is the area’s top resource for grief and healing and we offer comprehensive grief support to the families of people we serve. Thanks to donor support, we also provide programs for the larger community, offered at modest or no cost. Support groups and workshops meet throughout the greater Kansas City area. 

Kansas City Hospice is here to provide support, help you find ways to cope, connect you with a supportive community, and provide guidance and hope for the future.

Grief support programs available at KCH

  • Solace House Center for Grief and Healing, designed as a nurturing place for people experiencing sudden death of a loved one.
  • Individual counseling with grief support specialists
  • Supportive calls from volunteers
  • Workshops and support groups offered throughout the area
  • Expressive therapy groups with alternatives to traditional grief support, such as art, writing and yoga
  • Online information, articles and links regarding grief support can be found here

If you would like to donate without lighting candles please complete the form below.  If you would like to continue lighting candles you can process your donation on our candle lighting page here.