Timing Your Changes

Timing your changes can be crucial after the death of a loved one. The finality of losing a loved one is a major life change, and it forces us to consider other changes in our lives.

Moving, sorting through belongings and getting a new job are examples of changes common for people following a loss.

Any change you’re experiencing may cause stress. Thinking about what changes to make and which ones can wait makes the transition easier.

Permanent or difficult to reverse changes should wait at least six months, a year or more is ideal.

Moving is a big change that can cause a loss of continuity. A move is stressful enough. Add grief into the mix and you complicate the situation, especially if it requires sorting through your loved one’s belongings.

Changing jobs can also create stress and a loss of continuity. So, it’s best to wait awhile, if possible.

Other changes can be made sooner, such as redecorating your home. It’s common for women who’ve lost a spouse to change their bedrooms. Some prefer to change displayed photos for others that might bring comfort.

Some people who are grieving may want to get a pet. While animals can bring comfort, pet ownership can also be a financial strain.

Before making this change, consider whether it can wait or if it truly will bring you comfort. If it’s likely to bring up deep emotions, consider waiting a few months until it’s easier for you.

If you’d like to discuss your thoughts and changes, contact us by calling Grief Support Services at 816.363.2600, or CLICK HERE for additional resources.


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