Support NorthCare Hospice House

Your support of Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care is a gift of caring that helps NorthCare Hospice House. Your generosity and compassion provide solace and comfort for families across the greater Kansas City area. Whatever the nature of your gift, we want you to know that it is deeply appreciated and helps provide loving, dignified end-of-life care in our community.

Ways to Help

  • Donate Now – Make a one-time or recurring donation, including memorial gifts and those in honor of a loved one or friend.
  • Attend the Harvest Ball — the annual Harvest Ball supports charities that make a difference in our community, including NorthCare Hospice House.
  • Adopt NorthCare Hospice House – Consider adopting us as your charity of choice. For example, organize a special project, have a bake sale or other activity to collect donations.
  • United Way/Combined Federated Fund – Identify Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care as your donor choice agency during your employer’s United Way Campaign.
  • Matching Gifts – Ask your employer about matching gift opportunities. Your donation to Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care can be matched 1:1 or sometimes higher. Send us the forms and we’ll send them to your employer.
  • Wish List – Donate items on our Wish List. Gift certificates for video rental, grocery stores, restaurants, movie theaters, etc., can be used by our patients and families. Also, paper products, laundry soap, travel size toiletries, office supplies and craft supplies can be used at NorthCare Hospice House.
  • Legacy Gifts – Remember Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care in your estate planning, will, trust, or life insurance. We can accept donations of stock, property and other appraised gifts.
  • Volunteer — Your gift of time is a way to help friends and neighbors in your community.

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