
Live Longer and Better with Palliative Home Health Care

Numerous studies have shown what palliative and hospice professionals have seen for themselves — people with serious illness who receive palliative home health care and hospice care live longer and feel better. The earlier supportive care begins, the greater the benefit.

Kansas City Hospice palliative home health care live longerBy choosing to begin palliative home health care earlier in an illness, you have time to get to know your care team and to build trust with the people who will care for you in a crisis. Bringing in support early helps the whole family to cope better. Families learn about the illness, find out how they can help their loved one, and receive emotional and spiritual support to help them cope.

Palliative home health care is available at any time in a serious illness, even while you are still receiving treatment and seeking a cure. Many people receive supportive care for years. When your focus shifts away from aggressive treatment to concentrating on quality of life, hospice is available to keep you comfortable and help you live every day to the fullest.

Why do people receiving palliative and hospice care live longer?

Here are a few reasons:

Regular care — you get regular visits in your home from a team of experts, allowing caregivers a better understanding of the family environment.
Sticking to the plan —  you tend to take medications consistently and complete treatments ordered by your doctors.
Less stress — supportive home visits help to relieve the stress and exhaustion often caused by trips to the doctor’s office or hospital.
Improved sense of well-being — your care team works to deal with symptoms and help you cope with emotional and spiritual issues. This may increase a sense of well-being and help you feel less of a burden to your family.
Socialize more — you’ll tend to eat better and socialize more, helping improve physically and emotionally, which improves the ability to fight illness.
Fewer crisis situations — you are less likely to have stressful ER visits or hospital stays and have support during difficult medical treatments. This helps to avoid complications, side-effects and more physical stress.
Coordination of care — your team helps you and your family coordinate with complex healthcare systems and to make more informed decisions.

There’s an inaccurate perception among the American public that hospice means you’ve given up.  Those of us who have worked in the field have seen firsthand how hospice and palliative care can improve the quality of and indeed prolong the lives of people receiving care.

— J. Donald Schumacher, President and CEO of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

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Our Programs

Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care provides comprehensive, expert care for all ages at all stages of serious illness.

Hospice Care

When the focus shifts to comfort instead of treatment, care comes to your home or nursing facility with a plan tailored to your needs, including emotional and spiritual support for the whole family.

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Hospice Care

Palliative Medicine Fellowship

Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care is the community clinical site for the University of Kansas Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship. We're committed to developing physicians with specialty-level training in caring for patients with serious or terminal illness.

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Palliative Medicine Fellowship

Community-Based Palliative Care

Beginning as early as diagnosis and at any stage of serious illness, our nurse practitioners make home visits as needed to help coordinate your care and provide expert pain and symptom management.

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Community-Based Palliative Care
Hospice House

Hospice House

When symptoms cannot be easily managed at home, two hospice houses provide 24/7 expert care in comfortable home-line settings where family members can be relieved of caregiving duties to focus on loved ones.

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Carousel Pediatric Care

Carousel provides palliative and hospice care for perinatal and for babies through young adults with a dedicated team of pediatric nurses, social workers, chaplains and other specialists.

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Carousel Pediatric Care
Solace House

Solace House

Our center for grief and healing supports individuals and families who have been impacted by the death of a loved one, whether anticipated, or sudden and unexpected. We provide opportunities to share, listen, learn and heal with peer group support from age 3 through adult.

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