Kansas City Hospice turns 38

by David Wiley, President & CEO, Kansas City Hospice & Palliative Care
Kansas City Hospice is now 38 years old. Forty years ago a group of compassionate and insightful members of our community began the journey to explore the option of providing end of life care for Kansas City. We know that four brave hospital systems came together to explore the possibility of helping people die with dignity and die at home. Competitors at the time, Baptist, Menorah, Research and Trinity provided financial resources and people for this important endeavor. What a blessing for Kansas City!!
As a result of their work, Kansas City Hospice served its first patient 38 years ago on November 3rd 1980. We went on to serve 74 more patients by the end of that year. It’s hard to imagine what it took to form an organization in those early years when there was no payment for these valuable and crucial services. The leadership and fortitude to launch Kansas City Hospice is an incredible achievement.
Kansas City Hospice House

Kansas City House House in South Kansas City.

A Legacy of Innovation and Commitment

Since then, we have blossomed and continued to provide expert care to patients and families for 38 years. Just think of what has been accomplished:
  • Designing Carousel Pediatric & Perinatal Hospice in 1989
  • Launching Palliative Home Health Care in 2004
  • Creating the Palliative Care Fellowship in 2005
  • Opening the Kansas City Hospice House™ in 2006
  • Bringing Solace House into our scope of services in 2009
  • And much, much more. 

NorthCare Hospice House on the Campus of North Kansas City Hospital.

We have acquired and merged with hospices including VNA Hospice and NorthCare Hospice along the way. And these are just a few achievements and examples of leadership from our remarkable organization over the years.
Today, we care for and support more than 4,700 patients and individuals across all of our programs. Our patient care is highly regarded and there is simply no other Hospice and Palliative Care provider in our region that comes close to matching what we do for the community.  I am proud to work with a dedicated expert staff and over 500 incredible volunteers. I am so proud to pause and look back at all that this wonderful organization has accomplished for 38 years.
Cheers to each of you and Happy Birthday Kansas City Hospice!
David Wiley
President & CEO
Kansas City Hospice

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