Palliative Home Health Care – Care When and Where you Need It

When you’re dealing with a serious illness, you may need extra support at home. Palliative home health care is supportive care at home that not only improves quality of life — it may extend it.

Studies have shown that palliative care reduces time in the hospital and helps avoid emergency room visits. Palliative home health care is available to people of all ages at all stages of serious illness.

While you are receiving treatment for your illness, you can still receive palliative care at home, long before hospice is anticipated. Beginning care earlier is a great way to improve the quality of life. Then, if hospice becomes necessary in the future, the transition is much easier for the entire family.

People with cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, kidney failure, Alzheimer’s, ALS, HIV/AIDS, Multiple Sclerosis and many other illnesses may all benefit from palliative home care.

kansas-city-hospice-home-health-care-nurseServices are available for many situations, from one-time consultations to regular, ongoing visits. The expert palliative team members help control pain, shortness of breath, nausea, tiredness, trouble sleeping and other symptoms. They are available 24/7 for questions and concerns and help you keep your independence, provide services and helping families understand how they can best assist in your care.

A wonderful benefit of palliative home health care is the education you and your family will receive regarding your illness, your body’s reactions, medications and options. This knowledge will help make better decisions and worry less. Your team will help discuss choices and plan ahead for possible changes, like going back to a normal routine, going to the hospital if needed and deciding what to do if your condition changes.

They will also help you deal with fear and anxiety, giving emotional and spiritual support to you and your family. Plus, they will handle the details, coordinating care with your doctosr and other health care providers, including equipment needs. You keep your own doctors and have access to our palliative specialists, as needed.

Palliative care is about choices. You will have a registered nurse assigned to you who will coordinate your care. You may also choose services from other caregivers such as nurses, home health aides, social workers, chaplains and more. Volunteers may assist with other needs, like caring for pets, respite care so your family can take a break and much more.

Team members make home visits as ordered by your own doctor and can be there when you need more care. Nurses are on call 24/7 for questions or a crisis.

Medicare, Medicaid and most private insurance plans pay for palliative care. We will help you find out what your insurance covers or if you qualify for subsidized services.

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